first published data showing that serum ferritin concentrations were a factor in female hair loss and, 10 years later, Kantor et al. Serum ferritin concentrations provide a good assessment of an individual's iron status. Hård, 40 years ago, demonstrated the importance of iron supplements in nonanaemic, iron-deficient women with hair loss. In otherwise healthy individuals, nutritional factors appear to play a role in subjects with persistent increased hair shedding. What we do know emanates from studies in protein-energy malnutrition, starvation, and eating disorders. The literature reveals what little is known about nutritional factors and hair loss. glabra roots has potentials as a hair growth promoting agent for females. A maximum of 76 % of hair follicles were in anagenic stage (active growth phase of hair) in extract-treated animals, compared to 66 and 45 % in minoxidil-treated and control groups, respectively.Conclusion: This study indicates that the petroleum ether extract of G. Furthermore, the time (5 – 13 days) for commencement of hair growth and to reach complete hair growth was least in extract-treated animals, followed by those treated with minoxidil (6 - 19 days). glabra roots showed longer hair than those treated with either minoxidil or control. During this period, they were observed visually for hair growth and thereafter skin biopsy was taken for evaluation of follicular density and cyclic phases of hair growth.Results: Animals treated with petroleum ether extract of G. glabra (2 %), was applied to the denuded skin once daily for 30 days. Paraffin oil (control), 2 % minoxidil solution (reference) or petroleum ether (60 – 80 0C) root extract of G. They were divided into three groups(n = 6) and their dorsal skin was completely denuded to completely remove hair.

Purpose: To investigate the effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra root extract on hair growth in female Wistar rats.Methods: Female Wistar rats were used for the hair growth promotion studies.